
So, I haven't shared much about my job here on the blog here. That's for a few reasons:

1. This blog is about my garden. My job and my garden rarely collide (a fact I really like)

2. I don't want to be one of those people who says something about their job on the internet and gets fired. I like my job, and I like getting paid and having health insurance and all that. I mean, Obama has helped us out with the health insurance, but we are a 1.5 income family right now, and it would be hard to be a .5 income family, even if doctor visits were covered.

Bet you guys didn't know that Faulkner learned how to write a sentence from me. Sorry about that.

Today my two worlds collided, and so I thought I would share and seek guidance.

Anyway, I am a special education teacher in a fairly urban high school in Saint Paul. I teach students who are in special education classes for 60% or more of the day. They are learning to deal with a variety of disabilities; most of my students have mental health problems and/or Autism spectrum disorder.

My job is awesome. I work with hilarious, smart, challenging, and bizarre people. I never come home without some story to tell Desmond.

Today we were discussing the possibility of doing some gardening as a class. We were thinking of doing a flowering plant of some sort that students could bring home as a "important person in my life day" gift (a lot of my students do not have mothers present in their lives, so we celebrate EVERYONE on Mother's day). We also do a end of the school year picnic, and I was thinking to see if we could get some salad greens or radishes going, that we could eat at the picnic. The kiddos might like the chance to grow their own food, and there are a lot of lessons (social skills and science and stuff) that we could get through the growing process.

So here's the question: is growing flowers or veggies too "young" for high school? How can I make it cool without losing the process? Teachers, parents, gardeners out there: thoughts?

In other news: my raspberry shoot (still on the windowsill) has started to sprout little leaves! Lots of ripe (or close to ripe) cherry tomatoes. No growth in my little seedlings, but I am patient.

Peace out,
Allison (Desmond likes you too)


Amy said...

What about a pizza garden? You could do basil, chives, oregano, etc. The kids always love pizza.

Plus, so many kids really don't know where their food comes from - sounds like a fun project!

The Jensons said...

That sounds like and AWESOME idea! I think I might add tomatoes and peppers....and I love doing some cooking with the kids too. Love it! Thanks Amy!

Anonymous said...

I find that green beans provide the fastest payoff for kids. They germinate and grow very quickly, and provide a decent payoff. They're also easy to transplant at home. Perhaps the kids could bring a container from home to plant the seeds in?

ms. merton said...

not too young at all!!!!!! as you know, THE LAB has had great success in gardening with students and the kids love it!

i'm certainly no gardener, but i think your kids would find gardening to be extremely rewarding and therapeutic... i love the idea of a pizza garden, but i think flowers or other cool plants could be equally as fun for them!

let me know if you get this thing rolling because i would love updates!!!

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