It has been a while since we last gave you a glimpse at our garden. It has been a busy few weeks. We are in the process of buying the house that we are currently renting. The closing will be coming up later this summer but we are under contract right now. We are very excited but as you can imagine it has been a very consuming process so we haven't had a chance to update the blog. Without further ado, here are some pictures.
We're less than a mile from the Mississippi River and as a result we have very sandy soil. Root vegetables like radishes and potatoes do very well in our garden. We had a very warm early spring so we were able to get most of our seeds in early. We are hoping to have a bumper crop this fall. Hopefully the rest of the summer is kind as well.
Holy Rhubarb! It's a well known fact that rhubarb, once established, is really easy to grow. We don't even make an effort to water ours. There are actually four separate plants in there. I believe last year we only had three. One plant went to seed while we were away for a weekend. If you don't want more rhubarb make sure to remove the tops once you see buds. We made some rhubarb crisp a few weeks ago with some of the nicer stalks. The recipe will be coming soon.
We'll try to give you an update again very soon but hopefully these pictures will tide you over. Enjoy the weather!
I've always lived in houses with rhubarb already growing. This year, we moved to a new house in South Minneapolis. Guess what? No rhubarb. I missed the Friends School Plant Sale. Where can I get some for my backyard?
Easiest place to get it is probably the farmer's market. We are in St. Paul, and the farmer's market downtown St. Paul is way more low key and has delicious bagels, but I know they have rhubarb, so I am sure the hugemungous farmer's market in Minneapolis has some. You may not get any rhubarb pie out of it this year, though....
Happy Planting!
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